Jonathan Bray

My Story

A big part of what l’ve done with my life

has been making progressive change happen.

Because of optimism of the spirit. Because I am fascinated by how to do things better. Because I’m interested in what’s next. Because I like to understand so I can come up with a strategy - because that’s what you need to do if you like to win against the odds.

From the inside as the Director of the Urban Transport Group where we killed off bus deregulation (an unfashionable topic where the debate had been captured by vested interests – until I got stuck in). This set the ball rolling on bringing bus networks back under public control outside London again (starting in Manchester in September 2023).

From the outside as one of the founders and leaders of ALARM UK which smashed the roads for prosperity national road programme in the 1990s paving the way for more focus on improving public transport.

I also coordinated the campaign that beat the Government in the High Court on rail privatisation as Coordinator of Save our Railways– the highest profile campaign of its time.

Along the way I have appeared on national and international media (from CNN to Newsnight and from the Today programme to just about every BBC local radio station there is).

I’ve chaired numerous policy conferences. Written countless policy reports and briefings. I’ve spoken at meetings in draughty church halls. I’ve had meetings at Number Ten.

I know how things work so I can change how things work.

I specialise in leadership and strategy, advice, comment and analysis.  

I am currently the advisor to Welsh Government / Transport for Wales on delivering the  regulation of all bus services in Wales, a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of Transport Studies at Leeds University, a Fellow of the Foundation of Integrated Transport undertaking a project on decarbonising suburbs, providing strategic advice to the North East Combined Authority, an academician at the Academy of Urbanism, a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation, on a panel of international experts for UITP’s peer review programme, and a board member of Good Journey CIC. Recently I was a Visiting Senior Fellow at LSE Cities.

I might be able to help.